Orkut Keyboard Shortcuts for Speed, Ease and Comfort
Orkut keyboard shortcuts is a great way to improve your speed to browse and it eases many other tasks. Officially, Google does not support any keyboard shortcuts for Orkut like for Greader or Gdocs. But, we can make use of browser capabilities to use key combinations as shortcut keys.
use the following keboard shortcuts to access frequent features:
Scrapbook shortcut button : Alt + Shift + s
Home shortcut button : Alt + Shift + h
Communities shortcut button : Alt + Shift + c
Friends shortcut button : Alt + Shift + b
Profile shortcut button : Alt + Shift + p
Logout shortcut button : alt + Shift + l
To scroll down, you can use universal Firefox shortcut – Space bar, which typically scrolls down a page half of what page-down buttons scroll.
To go back one page, you can use Alt + Left arrow key and similarly to forward one page, you can use Alt + right arrow key. This key combination for moving forward and backwards, works on all browsers and on all sites.
These keyboard shortcuts work perfectly fine on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. However, Internet Explorer 8 has some problems with these. Note that, these keyboard shortcuts doesn’t work in new Orkut.
Related : Keyboard shortcuts for yahoo messenger, Gtalk, Chrome.