Machine Learning Is Easier Than Ever Before With Google’s Teachable Machine

Machine Learning is a complex process. It is basically the set of codes that helps your application understand real-world objects and respond to it. However, Google just made Machine Learning easy with their latest AI project; Teachable Machine.
Google’s Teachable Machine project allows users to train a web app to respond in a certain manner to certain actions. It is the easiest way to introduce someone to machine learning and how it works. While it is very basic and it’s application is limited, it is a good first step for anyone looking forward to learn machine learning technologies.
The teachable machine project can be accessed here.
Machine Learning is doing incredible things in the world. It now allows computers to detect signs of depression, judge your age and gender, as well as helps you trace photos from a set of photos. It’s rapidly becoming a part of our day to day lives. Basically, it is making use of code to solve real-world problems.
The Teachable Machine project won’t really help you solve major problems, but it can give you a very good grip over how machine learning basically works. You’ll be able to set a pattern that the app will identify using your webcam. You can program the app to learn three actions of yours and give three different outputs based on what you are doing.
For example you can raise your hand and make the app play a GIF as an output. You can nod your head to play another GIF and you can raise both hands to play an audio. There are a number of outputs that you can show which can also be customized.
Google’s Teachable Machine is built with deeplearn.js, which allows web developers to run neural nets right in the browser. It is an interesting technology which has also been made open source by Google so that developers can help inspire other similar experiments.
We strongly recommend you to check this feature out!