Google Contacts App Introduces Many New Features; Makes Contacts Management Easier
One of the most commonly used apps, Google Contacts just got a major update. This is an app you use every day – to either add new people to your contact list, or to give a call to one of your contacts, this is an often frequented app. Google just updated it to Google Contacts 2.2 and introduced many new features. Let us take a closer look at what these new features are:
Google Contacts App Updated: All The New Features
- Return of Large Photos: The app used to have large contact photos in the previous versions. However over the past few months the contact pictures have become smaller. This has bothered a lot of users and Google has finally reversed this decision and re-introduced larger pictures.
- Action Buttons: Below the photo, you will now be able to see action buttons that will allow you to quickly contact the person you’ve opened on your Google Contacts app. You can easily call, text, video call or mail them.
- Suggest Contacts: Often there are some people who you contact frequently but somehow miss out on saving their phone numbers. Google will now show you suggested contacts to add.
- Merge All Duplicates: As the name indicates, this new feature allows you to merge all duplicate contacts. This was a simple feature which should have been a part of the Google Contacts app long ago. However, better late than never.
The Google Contacts app is one of the most basic apps on all Android smartphones. Thanks to this update, it has become even more useful. In addition to these changes, Google also introduced a Directory card in the app, where the contact’s job title, work phone number, manager name, and office location will be visible. This update is out for all the users of the app on the Google Play Store.
Update your Google Contacts app today!