Copy Text from Any App on Your Android Device Using This App

We recently saw how to bypass sites which disable right-click on Google Chrome. It was done as a security measure to prevent content theft. Android, on the other hand, does it to prevent spurious touch inputs from selecting text all the time. If you see an interesting piece of writing on Reddit or any other site you’d like to share it’s impossible to do so without hyperlinking the post. This is where Universal Copy comes in. It’s a nifty little app that allows users to copy text from any app on your Android device and share the text directly.
How to Long Press & Select Text From Any App
The app was developed by Camel Corporation which makes the popular app, Easy Copy. It’s easily the most efficient way to share links, text and other items from the clipboard. More on that app at a later date. Easy Copy is free to use with all the features made available without requiring any in-app purchases.
Using Universal Copy
Step 1: Launch the app and enable the Activate Universal Copy switch and grant it accessibility permissions to monitor actions.
Step 2: Enable notifications to ensure that copy mode can be triggered from anywhere. This completes the main setup.
Step 3: To use the app go to the app where the content is to be copied and trigger copy mode by selecting the icon.
Step 4: From copy mode, select any piece of information as long as it’s is textual in nature. But this app does not detect text from images and is not capable of OCR in any way.
Step 5: After selecting the text, press the copy icon in the top right corner. The text ready to be pasted wherever necessary. So you can use Universal Copy to copy text from any app.
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A Simpler Method for Accessing Copy Mode
If the process of triggering Copy mode from notifications is tedious, there’s an option inside the app to set a long press action to set of Copy mode.
Additionally, the app also features a Quick Tile which Nougat users will find advantageous.
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