Best Extensions for Getting Word Definitions on Chrome

Chrome’s extensions are the most powerful tools one can use to enhance their browsing experience. Looking up word definitions is a common task that extensions can provide without leaving the content page. However, with hundreds of options available, choosing one can be really troubling. In this article, we discuss some of the best dictionary extensions you can use to look up words/phrases definitions.
Best Dictionary Extensions for Chrome
Our criteria in the quest to find the best extension is the usability and functionality. It should be unobtrusive and serves the purpose without interfering our reading experience.
1. Google’s Dictionary.
Google has its own dictionary extension for Chrome with around 3 Million users. This is the most minimal and sophisticated tool for looking up words while browsing. After downloading the extension, you will have to reload your existing tabs to start using it.
There are basically two ways in which you search word definitions – The first one is by clicking the extension icon and actually typing it. But that’s kind of pointless, hence exists the second option. You can select or double-click a word to reveal its meaning which works flawlessly and there’s only a loading period of about milliseconds.
Google’s huge repository includes different words from almost every language. In case you don’t want a pop-up every time you select/double-click a word, the extension allows you to set a trigger key through the settings. There are also a couple of other settings you can mess around with.
We also liked the “History” functionality that lets you store and download words, you have looked up in the past. Google’s Dictionary is almost perfect, the endless collection and simplicity are the biggest attraction here.
2. Dictionary Lookup
Google’s Dictionary solution does not particularly give complete control over what you read in the pop-up, rather it puts a “read more” link that redirects to a Google search. Dictionary Lookup, on the other hand, gives you the ability to filter out certain aspects and content for the tiny window. It offers much more than just text, there’s a small speaker button that pronounces the word and an example along with synonyms below for better understanding.
The settings are fairly elementary to understand. First on the top is a drop-down for altering the modifier – the button you will be press while selecting a word. You can even get a search bar by pressing a combination of buttons that can be personalized in the next setting box. After that, you have content filters and lastly, you can even modify the popup size. (Settings for this extension are accessible from the Extensions page in Chrome)
If you need more control over the settings and more than just definitions, use this extension.
3. Extension
There’s nothing peculiar about FreeDictionary’s Chrome extension, although that’s the main reason behind its popularity. This neat little tool does only thing – Redirects you to a lengthy explanation of a word as soon as you trigger it ( either by double-clicking or using the Extension icon ). There are no small windows or in-depth settings involved here.e
That might sound mediocre to someone who is looking for more functionality. However, for readers who need to get acquainted with the word completely, this is a great utility. FreeDictionary’s website offers everything there is when it comes to words including synonyms, adjectives, examples etc. It’s totally free and if you’re looking for something as simple as this, give it a shot.
4. Urban Dictionary Search
Finally, on our list is an extension that is more suitable for a modern day content – Urban Dictionary Search. As the name implies, this extension is used to search new words that are not available in general dictionaries. The concept remains consistent here, you search through the extension icon top or by right-clicking a word that will reveal search from
It comes with no settings menu but I was pretty satisfied with the way it works by default. With the increasing influence of social media, getting familiar with the new generation slang is mandatory and if you share the same thought, give this extension a try.
These were some of the best dictionary extensions for researching word definitions. Do let us know in the comments section which one do you like.